Thursday, April 7, 2016


Hey's Loren here.
I wanted to post some info about what's been happening around the studio. I also want to discuss info about my progress with a new series I have been working on.  It's been a challenging time in 2016 and I can't believe we are 3 months in!  

So, I had my exhibit at Christopher's: A Neighborhood Place in Malvern, PA in February to March 2016.  It went well and gave me lots of exposure.  Lots of people attended the reception and friends came out to support me as well.  It was a great experience.  Planning to do it again soon. 

'It is brightest when alone' 14x11 acrylic on canvas (c),LorenFidalgo 2016
 I've been painting a lot and have begun what is shaping up to be a new series.   I am enjoying the process yet finding it a tricky progression as I struggle sometimes to get my painting into a series.  It is something I've been working on so diligently and consciously.  It's always a 'tug and pull', and exploration for me to create work in a series, but I manage to do it eventually. I love the novelty of birthing new ideas and bringing new ideas into reality, but I try to make a concerted effort to have unity in my work.  Nevertheless, I except the fact that I am a 'Creative Idea Problem Solver' ( my new self-appointed term, if it is one?) at heart and I am have been embracing this aspect of myself.  I want to see all my ideas to fruition and it is sometimes frustrating to have to curtail the explosion of ideas that bombard me day and night! I am however, coming to realize that possibly I can still have a voice and be a 'problem solver' at the same time.  It's such a fine balance, although do-able.  And I am doing it however challenging it is.  More to write about this in future posts.

About the my current work... no title to the new series yet. There are however, some canvases with lots and lots of texture by layering with acrylic paint. This is something that I have been playing with for a couple of years now. I am experimenting with different sizes and loving the newness of the canvas that sits on my easel to greet me. I say to myself, ", what can I do with you?"  It's exciting to adopt the new proportions and I am always surprised by the end painting.  I have also been playing around with color and all the gray shades I can create.  I am loving working with shades of blues such as Prussian Blue and Cerulean Blue and Crimson shades. I am amazing myself with all the yummy colors  I can achieve.  Lastly, my subject matter has taken a turn and twist.  There are subtle landscapes that have been emerging on the canvas and I am following the path that is calling me.   So, lots more to discuss about my current work in new posts.

I will post some more stuff about my work and some new things that have been going on this year. Question?   Do you struggle with creating unity in your work?  I'd love to hear from you.  Thanks for reading and enjoy your own journey!