Tuesday, June 28, 2016


'If it really is'    acrylic on canvas    24x18   (c) Loren Fidalgo 2016
Hey guys...it's Loren here.  I have been thinking that after I shared some personal health stuff in my previous post that I would write about something that I am lovin' lots right now.  

I am in love with this painting.  Don't know the psychology behind it however, this painting really speaks to me. I am lovin' all the texture in it.  I also love the way the color moved around the canvas.  I some times do not like how I interpret color. I struggle at times with it and varying the shades of a colors when I am mixing on the palette.  It's not that I don't see the colors, actually it's quite the opposite. I see and feel colors so deeply it's as if I can feel them in my body. I often need to touch a color to understand it's meaning and message.  I am compelled to try to hold the colors in my hands, move and manipulate them and only then do I understand what they want to say and do.  I am just in between the colors, sort of a mode of transportation, and the canvas surface.  Color has a language all it's own and some times I can not make sense of it.  So I am challenged often by it's control.  I however, do not mind it.

In this painting, the buildings are conveying emotion to me. The texture is so thick on the canvas. I enjoyed painting the layers of texture. I used a palette knife for the entire painting. I think the buildings are painted in a way that captures my attention because of the layering of one on top of another. They are also painted partially there and partially not there, like they are playing, peek-a-boo! They are painted as if they have degraded and have been distressed on the canvas or to the viewer's perception.  I love moving the paint around the canvas with the palette knife.

I have been getting into creating shades of different blues in my paintings.  I try to see how many shades I can come up with.  It makes the process so much more fun and you can never have enough of that! 

So, that is a wrap up.  Leave a comment if you would like to.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


 Hey guys...it's Loren here.  I wanted to share this painting titled 'REALITY IN MOTION'  12 x 8 acrylic on canvas.  I created it about two months ago.  What I really love about this painting is the energy and emotion it evokes in me and other viewers.  I find this work to be such a freeing expression with the paint marks. It is quite a different technique that I usually use with most of my other paintings.  I used a palette knife for the entire painting as I usually do.  The day I painted this piece, I was in a fairly okay mood and I was eager to get started on this canvas because the landscape size proportion is so different than I am used to.

Usually, when I paint or create something, I have some idea on how I want to create what is in my mind.  With this piece, I didn't know where I was going and how I was going to get there.  I used a lot of loose strokes and I painted very quickly. I just love, love, love the freedom I had when painting this quickly.  I think I will incorporate this technique and looseness into my future paintings.  I want to be able to capture the same state of mind, too.  I believe the trick is to change it up by using an unusual size canvas. I think it makes it so that I will have to think differently about composition and mark making.

Well, that wraps up this post.  Leave a comment if you would like to.  I love to know what you are thinking?

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Hey guys...it's Loren here. It's been awhile since I posted here and I wanted t let you know what has been going on.  Lot's of personal stuff and some business stuff too.

This new painting, 'A DISTANT MEMORY'  has gone on to it's new owner, Chris.  I was so happy to deliver it to him.  It is part of a series that I have been working on featuring landscapes, seascapes and urban landscapes.  The size is 20 x 16 and it is acrylic on canvas.   It has sooo... much texture and brilliant color and it  'pops'  right off the canvas.  I used a palette knife for the entire painting.  Lot's of fun.   One of my fav paintings.  To see more of my work, head on over to my Instagram page  https://www./instagram.com/lorenfidalgo/ 

To purchase a painting ,please go to my etsy shop   www.lorenfidalgoart.etsy.com 

or contact me at my email  loren@lorenfidalgo.com
About 4 months ago, I was put on a medication which gave me a severe side effect for a disorder which could have been FATAL!!  Had I not known the warning signs and trusted my intuition, I may have been exiting this world.  Literally! The doctor who put me on the medication, told me I would be fine on it, even though I took it once before and had such a severe reaction to it in 1992  The doctor I had was inept and unethical and he disregarded that I had it listed as an allergy in my records.  He changed my records and removed the allergy warning, which I did not know until later on.  He insisted that I needed to take it and it had me feeling like I was at the mercy of his treatment.  Needless to say, the doctor is GONE and I am feeling much better!  What a scary time.  I am telling you about this because I want to express the importance of trusting your gut and intuition and following your heart and mind.  If I was not paying attention to the warning signs, even though the doctor said the medication was not causing them, I might not be here today.  So, PAY ATTENTION and TRUST YOURSELF ! You are you're best advocate and don't let a doctor influence your treatment just because he is a doctor.  They don't know everything and they make mistakes, sometimes FATAL ones!.  Now life does go on...thank God.


UGHHH!!!   I've been having some neurological problems which began some years back and they have gotten worse this past year or so.  I had a test done and I found out that I have nerve damage in my legs which is coming from my back, as well as problems in my arms and hands. It has been making it harder to paint with a palette knife and to do fine motor things like buttoning buttons, zippering my jeans and leaning on my right arm.  The damage in my legs is troublesome because it's hard to walk long distances without my legs going numb to the point where I have to stop walking. I'm doing exercises  to strengthen my back that might help with walking and going up and down stairs.  I'm also going to get an MRI to see why I am having trouble with my arms and hands.  I am hopeful that these problems will get better.  What's most upsetting is not being able to use my hands how I want to..  If I can't do that, I am lost.  I use my hands to make so many things everyday that they are as necessary as breathing to me.  They are my lifeline. 

Well that wraps it up for now.  Leave a comment to let me know if you have had a similar situation as I did?   Thanks for reading this post!!   Cheers,  Loren