Hey guys...I am going bonkers with nerves tonight. By the time you read this, I will be attending an all day intensive art licensing workshop. There will be 7 other women and fellow artists as well. I do not know any of them. The trip takes an hour to get there and I am so-so with the driving directions. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time! I have no idea what to expect and the anticipation has got me all tangled up. I have never done this type of thing before so, I am bracing myself for the all day experience.
The woman who is holding this event is an artist named Tara Reed. I don't know her, however I have read her art licensing blog a few times and I have seen a small bit of her work. Her blog is excellent and chock full of information about the art licensing industry. If you are interested in licensing your art, you have to read her blog! She covers everything you can think of and all aspects of licensing and you will surely find a lot of answers to your questions. I highly recommend reading as much as you can. You might wonder why I have only read the blog a few times? The answer is complex and complicated. I was out of the art licensing pursuit for a couple of years. You can check out my licensing website at http://lorenfidalgoportfolio.blogspot.com and my MIND GIGGLES blog at http://lorenfidalgo.blogspot.com Without going into too much detail here in this post, you can read more aboit it here, I believe that after my head injury and my sudden obsession with painting, I needed to focus on that for some time to develop my skills and see where it led me. Also, I was becoming uncertain as to how I wanted to proceed since I was not having too much success finding an agent. It has only been recently that I wanted to get back into the pursuit of licensing my art and paintings. I am attending this workshop to see if art licensing will work for me with this new medium of painting and whether I need to get an agent or not? I will write more about this when I get back from the workshop. I don't know what will happen tomorrow and where my mind and heart will be. I hope I come away with a clear direction and path to take the future of my art career. Wish me well.