Hey guys... it's Loren and time for an 'on my EASEL'. This is a series where I discuss an early painting and I talk about what the thought process I went into to create it.
'TIME TO OPEN UP' 18x24 oil on canvas (c) Loren Fidalgo 2010 |
I painted this piece back in 2010, however, I love it and the subject matter is this painting is titled, 'TIME TO OPEN UP'. and it is still current for me today.
When I was creating this painting, it began from a normal still life set-up. I decided to shift the arrangement around and create something that would speak to me in a deeper way. I changes the arrangement and the colors. I took the 'umbrella' and painted it on top of the mannequin to illustrate a figure/woman with an 'umbrella' as her head and face. It kind of makes one want to ask, "what is under there?" The 'umbrella' is symbolic to me for the ability or inability to open up one's mind and heart. I chose to move the mouth off of the face on the 'umbrella' to hanging it from the bottle to suggest that this soul is suffering from being shy and not able to speak or open up. Thoughts and feelings from the mind, don't reach her mouth. The mouth however, doesn't go far and it is 'hanging on' to it's possibility to be able to speak by being in arm's reach. The eyes look on mysteriously and they are glancing out at you to express that she is so deep in thought and feeling and communicating, "I have so much to say!" While I was painting I knew I needed the courage to step into this new experience.
At the time I painted this piece, I was personally going through a lot of changes in my life and feeling like I needed to express myself in a deeper and more meaningful way. This painting was done about a year and a half after I began painting and my head injury. If you would like to read about my 'destiny' and 'calling' into painting, please read HERE. I was challenging the direction I was heading in with my artwork and my life in general. I was asking myself questions and struggling while trying to make the changes that I knew would make major differences in my life. Although I wanted the changes, they were still overwhelming and somewhat difficult to encounter. I knew nevertheless, it was time to try and open up, to speak out, to let it be known that I had a lot of thoughts and feelings that needed to come out. The 'umbrella' image in this painting was a perfect icon for expressing all this without words.
I love creating this type of painting with so much meaning and intense content. It reaches and touches my soul in a profound way. I love being able to express something with visual imagery, as well. Since I have began painting, I have been on a journey to dig deep inside myself and to be true to myself. This painting was one of the paintings that was created in the beginning of this process. I am still learning and experiencing intense changes. It has all been good and welcomed.
Please feel free to leave a comment and to let me know if you have ever struggled with having the ability to speak up when needed? I am happy to hear what you have to say.