Thursday, October 27, 2016


Well, hey there...It's Loren here and I'm getting so excited that my exhibit will be right around the corner.  I can hardly contain my excitement.    I am really thrilled with the way things are shaping up and most things are done.  Painting tags are done!   Sides of paintings totally finished!  Wired up and ready to hang? Yep!  Printing for Painting/Price list will be printed tomorrow. Ring binder with info about 'yours truly' is almost put together and all I need now are some large boxes to carry paintings and keep paintings from touching each other.  I know exactly where I will get these boxes!  Great!  So far, so good!   With everything going smoothly, I have to say I expected more chaos than I actually have been experiencing. 

I hope if you live in the area, you can make it to the show reception on Monday November 14th 6 pm - 8 pm.  If you can not make it, take a peek at my Still life paintings here on my site.  Just go up to 'tabs' bar and click on  STILL LIFE.  There you can see some of the pieces that will be in the show. 

A NOTE:   If you are interested in purchasing a painting, please contact me by the 'message me' box on the left side bar on my site.  Let me know which painting you are interested in and I will message you back.  I am happy to help and answer any questions you have.  Feel free to message with additional questions.  Some times there is a problem with my email, if you can not reach me, you can contact me at  and I will get back to you.

Hey, just another note:  If you are interested in note cards that feature my paintings, please contact me in the 'message me' box on the left side of my site.  Scroll down and you will see it.  Write down the title of the painting and size and I will message you back.  The card size is 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 and they are blank inside. The price is 6 note cards for $16.00 + shipping.  I am excited to make the cards for you.

Well, signing off for now and  I hope you can make it to the show  November 1st to November 30th.  The reception 'meet the artist' is on November 14th.
Be well and Cheers,

Monday, October 24, 2016


Hey guys... it';s Loren here.  I wanted to let everyone know that I am having a solo exhibit of my still life paintings at Christopher's: A Neighborhood Place 335 E. Kings Street in Malvern, PA.  The show will be up from Nov 1st to Nov 30th.  The reception, "meet the artist" will be held on Monday Nov 14th, 6 pm to 8 pm.

I am so excited about showing this body of work because it is very meaningful and close to my heart. Lot's of things happened personally and emotionally when I began painting.  Since I began my 'calling' and journey into painting some 8 years ago, I started and dove into painting still lives.   I started painting with a palette knife and it didn't occur to me to use a brush!  So, I used the palette knife like a brush and painted like there was 'no tomorrow'! 

It is so interesting to me because in my early years in college at Moore College of Art & Design, I studied Graphic Design and Advertising in the 80's.  I didn't have any interest or longing to paint much less still lives!   I hated the smell of the linseed oil and turpentine!  So after my head injury and my compelling need and desire to paint, I was shocked more that anyone to come to understand that I had this deep hidden need to paint and to paint still lives to boot!  Go figure!! 

So, the opening of my show is coming soon and I can hardly, hardly contain my heart and soul..  I think this will be an awesome show and I would love to see you at the reception if you are in the area.  Come say 'hello' and have a glass of wine and enjoy the energy and emotiuon in the space.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Hey guys... it's Loren here.  I wanted to share with everyone that I am having a show at Christopher's Restaurant: A Neighborhood Place. The show runs from Nov 1st to Nov 30th.  The reception (meet the artist) will be on November 14th Monday  from 6 pm to 8 pm The show will feature my still lives and I am so excited about this body of work.  There will be 19 paintings .  Most are 24 x 30's and some 18 x 24's.  I can't wait until the show and I am so thrilled to be having my still live paintings on exhibit.

My still lives are chock full of jumbo vases and chunky bowls of fruit as well as some interesting objects like a rocking horse (see above) country hat and wine glasses and bottles..  Lot's of bright colors and some textures are worked into these still lives.

Come on over to Christopher's for the reception to chat with me and my peeps about everything from art to music to science and the most provocative topic...  politics!
Hope to see you there.  